Insane Genius

Amanda Marks
1 min readFeb 22, 2022

“No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness,” -Aristotle

Deep creativity spawned from suffering and sadness.

DiVinci mind looping beyond boundaries,

Forcing mania, chaos, confusion, and unease.

Repetitive actions drive mirroring results,

Moments deciphered by the degree of impulse.

Creative beyond the present period,

Innovation uncontrolled, temptations myriad.

Diagnosis, prescriptions — placed in chains,

Physically unrestrained with sedated veins.

Exceptional intellect — inventive vision,

Producing results with flawless precision.

You fear what you do not understand,

Dissecting the psyche to learn to command.

Abnormal behavior must be mentally ill,

The antagonist narrative manipulates at will.

A biological phenomenon that alters the gene,

Pharmaceutical intervention until man becomes a machine.

Admit to insanity or lose those you love,

Kneeled before God to protect his creation from above.

Crazy amplified when pushing societal norms,

Astonishing acceptance after world reforms.

Senseless panic — a controversial debate,

Determining madness or potential that’s great.

Existing realm of philosophical (in)sanity,

Insane Genius could be the cure or the calamity?



Amanda Marks

Merging my professional background with a personally challenging life journey, to help and inspire others through creative and expressive writing.