Amanda Marks
3 min readJan 30, 2022

“All the world is suffering. It is also full of overcoming” – Helen Keller. A powerful statement. Helen Keller was an inspirational force in our world. Being deaf and blind did not stop her from pursuing her dreams. Through her works, she was an inspiration to all those disabled. With each experience and success, her soul awakened. She saw and heard the world through her hands and her soul. Fighting stigmas, self-proven that each person with a disability comes equipped with a unique ability.

Standing motionless – eyes closed, listen. Shhhh, just listen!

Do you hear your neighbors arguing or the birds chirping? Do you hear the laughter of children playing or a horn honking? What do you feel? Do you feel peace from the sun warming your face? Or, are you focused on the beads of sweat forming on your brow? When reflecting on each of your relationships, what are your thoughts? Are they positive or negative? It is remarkable when being present in a moment of silence how much you can learn about yourself. Of course, we all want to answer that we heard the birds and the children. We soaked up every bit of the warmth with a smile formed from gratitude. Reality; eighty percent or higher of our society, increasing yearly, either solely focused on the negative or a little of both.

The significance of that truth; pulses discouragement throughout my body and invades my thoughts with impending doom. I yearn to see a world filled with magnificence and encouragement. To prescribe life lenses that are perception-altering to view strengths vs. weaknesses.

Words and humanity are my superpowers! My dream is to inspire and heal others through creativity, kindness, and art:

Believe in the World to Change it!

Believe in forgiveness – we all make mistakes,

Even the strongest willpower can eventually break.

Have an open mind – each soul is not the same,

Strength comes in numbers – stop placing blame.

Instant gratification is an infectious disease,

Right now, today – no patience or ease.

Entitlement is spreading at an uncontrollable speed,

Who will be left standing, who will lead?

Diagnosis, definitions, confined, and red tape,

Not natural nor organic, manufactured – all vape.

Publicly supported – then privately shamed,

Replaced values with the pursuit of money and fame.

Hearts with open wounds – a constant bleed,

Conflict, aggression, corruption, and greed.

There are still few filled with deep compassion and love,

Meant to heal the world – to rise above.

No temper, nor attitude, ill-spirit – no rage,

A minority trait, their proverbial cage.

An alternate route, complex minds so different,

Not stupid, broken, or insignificant.

Stubborn and cold – so much divide,

Struggling to breathe, struggling to survive.

Tiptoe, eggshells, wants to please,

Missed a step, the distracted mind is diseased.

Gave all that was had – hopes for relief,

From the pain of inadequacy, suffering to cease.

Be the change the world needs,

Higher roads, plant optimism seeds.

Pay it forward to those behind,

In every situation, be pleasant and kind.

Smile when vibes are heavy and tense,

Demonstrate purpose, listen through the fence.

Show up and care,

For everyone – not just those in despair.

Promote the wisdom that comes from the aged,

When the small-minded stops listening, disengage.

Prolong children’s innocence and inspire play,

As an adult, keep the light burning through the darkest days.

We each search for happiness – rumored peace,

It is out there with certainty, not a tall tale or tease.

Touch those you love and ask for relief,

For sorrow, frustration, depression to cease.

Ask that the world see a new day,

Where we are bright-eyed/sunny, not drawn – gray.


Amanda Marks

Merging my professional background with a personally challenging life journey, to help and inspire others through creative and expressive writing.